July: A Word from the Pastor


waitingKing David gave spiritual advice and counsel to the people of God.

He exhorted them never to envy the wicked in their pursuits or their prosperity. The wicked can prosper in life, but they will never prosper with God. Believers should always keep their hearts focused on the Lord. In a number of places, David encouraged the children of Israel to “wait upon the Lord.” They were always to live by depending upon the LORD God. They were always to live by looking to Him. Psalm 37:34 declares, “Wait for the LORD, and keep His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you will see it.”

The first command is to wait for the LORD.The eyes of faith are fixed upon the provision from God.

It is His purpose to direct our lives, to be faithful in caring for us, and to reveal Himself to us. We are to see His grace and give Him the glory for that which He has done. The eyes of faith live in expectation of the Lord.

The second command is to keep His way. Waiting is never passive.

The believer is always active in pursuing the commandments of God. The commandments set forth what believers must do as they wait upon the Lord. In that sense, waiting upon the Lord involves an active life of obedience to God. Every act of obedience waits upon the Lord for strength and power to do what only God can enable us to do.

Finally, the third part of this biblical statement involves the promise of the LORD’s provision.

In David’s day, the promise was to inherit the land. But, all believers live in expectation of the Lord’s fulfillment of His promises. He will keep His promises. He will provide. Sometimes this provision is in life. Always this provision is in the life to come.

One thing is certain, God is always faithful in keeping His Word.

David’s words of encouragement to Israel encourage our hearts today. We too must wait – and work – and know that the Lord will provide. The “lovingkindness” or the “loyal love” of the LORD will never fail. We may falter and fail, but He is always faithful. It is the reason that those who wait upon the Lord in obedience to Him will always stand in the way of the Lord’s blessing. It encourages our hearts to depend upon the Lord and obey His truth knowing that He never fails to fulfill His every promise. Let us be faithful in waiting for the Lord.

– Gary W. Custis