COVID Faith and the Second Coming 09/20/2020 Bible Text: John 5 | Preacher: Gary W. Custis | Series: COVID
Faith Faith and Assurance: The Power of Christ to Persuade your Heart 09/13/2020 Bible Text: Hebrews 11 | Preacher: Gary W. Custis | Series: Faith
Special Messages “The Necessity of Union in Christ” 08/30/2020 Bible Text: 1 John 4:12-16 | Preacher: Gary W. Custis | Series: Special Messages
Guest Speakers The Approach of the Penitent 08/16/2020 Bible Text: Psalm 130 | Preacher: Matthew Pierce | Series: Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers A Third Brother 08/09/2020 Bible Text: Galatians 6:3 | Preacher: Ben Brooks | Series: Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers Two Brothers 08/02/2020 Bible Text: Galatians 6:1-2 | Preacher: Ben Brooks | Series: Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers Giving 07/26/2020 Bible Text: Mark 12:41-44 | Preacher: Rick Mathews | Series: Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers One Lump, Two Vessels 07/19/2020 Bible Text: Luke 23:39-43 | Preacher: Dan Bowlin | Series: Guest Speakers